General Preventative Medicine for Cats
The following vaccinations and preventatives are recommended to keep your pet protected

F3 Vaccination
Recommended for all cats
Prevents feline panleukopaenia, rhinotracheitis and calicivirus.
Start at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, then a yearly booster for life.
Flea & tick prevention
Recommended for outdoor cats or cats with skin problems or at risk of fleas
Frontline Plus OR Revolution Spot on - apply on the scruff of the neck once per month. OR Bravecto, a monthly spot on that lasts 3 months.
Heartworm in Cats
Cats can get heartworm too. If your cat goes outside or you live in an area with lots of mosquitoes, you should make sure your cat is protected against heartworm by using Revolution spot on.
Intestinal deworming
Recommended for all cats
Kills roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm
Give monthly until 6 months old then every 3 to 6 months long term.
Worming tablet (MILBEMAX) or spot-on product (PROFENDER) for cats that are difficult to pill!

A balanced diet food is ecommended e.g. Royal Canin or Hill’s . Younger kittens should be fed a specific kitten diet, 3-4 times daily depending on their age.

Recommended for all cats
Desexing your cat is very important for both health and behavioural reasons.
Female cats who come into heat will stay in heat until they are either mated or spayed. Female cats in heat may howl and become very affectionate. Male cats may start urine marking or spraying as they reach sexual maturity.
Neutering reduces these behaviours and also reduce risks of prostate, testicular, uterine and mammary gland diseases including cancers as your cat gets older.
Regardless of gender, your cat
can reproduce at around 6 months old and so we recommend desexing around 6 months old.
Please contact us if would like to make an appointment.